The Dow Chemical Company on Tuesday announced the launch a new family of resins that offers unprecedented performance levels to help customers address some of today’s most challenging packaging performance gaps.
Innate Precision Packaging Resins are created from a patented molecular catalyst coupled with advanced process technology, which Dow says will empower customers to unlock new packaging opportunities through “unmatched stiffness-toughness balance, processing ease and improved sustainability profiles.”
The new resigns will help define new market spaces and create new categories for everything from flexible food packaging to heavy-duty industrial shipping sacks, Dow claims. They offer improved sustainability profiles due to light-weighting potential. Material substitution also affords opportunities for new packaging efficiencies.
Innate achieves up to twice the abuse resistance in co-extruded films compared to tested standard polyethylene resins on the market, Dow says. Film toughness also is maintained without compromising stiffness and other key properties. Excellent bubble stability means there is processing ease, as well.
In other recent Dow news, the chemical firm, Coca-Cola and Nestlé were among the 10 companies to test the new draft of the Natural Capital Protocol against specific business applications. The Protocol will provide decision-making support to businesses in their risk-management processes, exploration of new revenue streams, and in product and value chain innovation. It is a product of the Natural Capital Coalition, a global platform that brings together the different initiatives and organizations working in natural capital under a common vision of a world where business conserves and enhances natural capital.
Earlier this month, Dow and The Nature Conservancyreleased a new study focusing on how nature can help protect business assets from natural disasters. Based on research completed as part of the ongoing Dow-TNC collaboration, the study demonstrates that asset protection strategies can include green infrastructure — such as marshes, mangroves, coral and oyster reefs — along with more conventional infrastructure — such as dikes and levees — to protect business assets from hurricanes and flooding.