Reputation Institute has released its annual Global CSR RepTrak® 100, which highlights the companies that have the best reputations for corporate social responsibility (CSR) among the general public in 15 countries. Google tops the ranking for the second year in a row, with a significant lead over all other companies in the ranking.
“Corporate social responsibility is one of the most complex areas of a company’s public identity,” said Brad Hecht, chief research officer at Reputation Institute. “The companies in the Global CSR RepTrak® 100 are succeeding not only at being good corporate citizens, but in communicating those characteristics to consumers who increasingly rely on a brand’s reputation in making purchasing decisions and recommending products and services to others.”
The RepTrak® model provides a one-of-a-kind measurement of how the public views the world’s best-known companies, examining 15 stakeholder groups in more than 25 industries and more than 50 countries for more than 7,000 companies. The Global CSR RepTrak® 100 reflects public perceptions of corporate performance across three dimensions of reputation: citizenship, workplace, and governance.
The results describe which companies are best regarded by consumers for having a positive societal influence, being environmentally friendly, operating with openness and transparency, behaving ethically, rewarding employees fairly and promoting employee well-being, among other factors.
Companies with the top 10 CSR reputations globally are (full list here):
Other Sustainable Brands member companies to make the list: Johnson & Johnson (#12), Philips (#15), Sony (#16), Nestlé (#18), Estée Lauder (#34), 3M (#35), HP (#35), L’Oréal (#50), Procter & Gamble (#51), Cisco (#52), SAP (#62), Campbell Soup (#66), Hershey (#69), Ford (#86), Unilever (#87), eBay (#97) and UPS (#100).
The list of companies with the best global CSR reputations is derived from the data collected for the 2015 Global RepTrak® 100 study, and based on more than 60,000 interviews with consumers in the 15 largest economies in Europe, Latin America, North America and the Asia Pacific region.
*Sustainable Brands member companies